Welsh Boy Names

Boy Names Gruffudd Lord, Prince, People who have deep leadership abilites and ready to fous on large and importat issues.
Boy Names Gruffydd Lord, Prince, People who have deep leadership abilites and ready to fous on large and importat issues.
Boy Names Grummore The one with sixth sense, high energy level, senstiveness and possess a high sense of awareness.
Boy Names Gryffen Strong Lord, People who have deep leadership abilites and ready to fous on large and importat issues.
Boy Names Gryffyn A Cornish form of the Welsh name Griffith. It means lord.
Boy Names Gryffyth People with this name have a deep inner desire to serve humanity and to give to others by sharing money, knowledge and experience, or creative and artistic ability.
Boy Names Gryphon Fighting Chief, Fierceful, The furious Griffin of Greek mythology and medieval legend was an animal with foreparts of a falcon and rump of a lion.
Boy Names Grzegorz Confident, unique state of mind with respect to their scholarly abilities. Obviously cheerful, informative and perky, they don't care to discuss themselves and enviously protect their mystery garden.
Boy Names Guabeith Guabeith by and large leads and direct others and likes to builds up their individual character.

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