Baby Names That Mean Guru

Boy Names Gurdharam Gurdharam collaborated with two words guru and dharam. Guru means master or lord and dharam means religion. So gurdhram means the religion of Lord.
Boy Names Gurdheeraj Gurdheeraj collaborated with two words guru and dheeraj. Guru means master or lord and dheeraj means patience. So gurdhram means the patience just like the Lord.
Boy Names Gurdhiaan Gurdhian collaborated with two words guru and dhiaan. Guru means master or lord and dhiaan means absorbed So gurdhram means absorbed in guru.
Boy Names Gurdial Gurdial collaborated with two words guru and dial. Guru means master or lord and dial means kind So gurdial means kind guru.
Boy Names Gurdip Gurdip collaborated with two words guru and deep. Guru means master or lord and deep means lamp So gurdip means lamp of guru.
Boy Names Gurdit A person who is pure, wise and holly as Reflections on Guru's Words in the literature of Sikh
Girl Names Gurditta One Born with Guru's Blessing; One who is blessed with the Guru's mercy and grace
Boy Names Gurdweep Light of the Guru, They love, care and help other. They are of the generous personalities.
Boy Names Gure Left Handed, The one who will be like guru and will assisst and follow up.

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