Indian Boy Names

Boy Names Jogprakash Union with the Light; One who attains the light of enlightment;
Boy Names Jogvichaar Reflections to Attain Union with God; Thoughts of attaining salvation and being one with God
Boy Names Johaar Glorious union with the God,Jewel.One who is skillful,proficient and practical.
Boy Names Joideep Light of Happiness; Flame of Joy; Lamp of happiness
Boy Names Jonaraaja Name of a talented individual; dedicated being
Boy Names Jonnalagadda One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Boy Names Jonnie they treat you in a better way and share their quality time. You will surely enjoy their company and have openness attitude.
Boy Names Jooseppi people with this name are superb, handy and sweetheart. They can not keep you down in any matter. They are real and honest.
Boy Names Jorya Powerful; Mighty; Brave; Strong; Courageous

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