Indian Boy Names

Boy Names Dharmapala One who is Attracted by Religion; Guardian of Dharma; One who abides by the spiritual and divine rules;
Boy Names Dharmar One who follows the principles of life; Righteous person
Boy Names Dharmaraj King of Religion; King of Spirituality; Emperor of Righteousness
Boy Names Dharmaratna One whose greatness is because of being righteous; Great Principled Man
Boy Names Dharmasastha Protector of Dharma; Defender of Righteousness
Boy Names Dharmatej Radiance of righteousness; One who is renowned for his Principles and Spiritual deeds
Boy Names Dharmatma One who follows the principles of life; Righteous person
Boy Names Dharmdas Servant of Religion; One who is controlled by the Spiritual and Divine Rules
Boy Names Dharmdeva Yudhistar; Shine of Righteousness; One who is renowned for his Principles

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