English Boy Names

Boy Names Grimcytel Grimcytle means a person who knows how to manage and organize things to live a great life.
Boy Names Grimold Grimold is the varient of name grimbald. Which means a fierce bold and brave person.
Boy Names Grimshaw Grimshaw is an ancient, historical surname which reffers towards a brave and strong family.
Boy Names Gringamore Gringamore is a mesculine version of feminine name , which means a person who is not american. Or we can say a person from latin who is settled in america.
Boy Names Grisham Old English - Grassland farm; From the grazing; A variant name of Gresham
Boy Names Grubbs The name Grubbs also has German origins, where it means a Mine, Pit or a Hollow and was mostly given as an occupational surname to mine workers.
Boy Names Guidgen A first century Welsh saint who drove the resistance against the Romans.
Boy Names Guidlovius Guidlovius means the person who can guide a group or a cummunity.
Boy Names Guilbert Guilbert means a trusted person. Everyone can trust him.

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