Popular Baby Names

Boy Names Ambrož Slovene form of Ambrosius, meaning immortal.
Boy Names Ambrus Greek name meaning divine and immortal being
Boy Names Ambud Cloud ; A derivative name from Sanskrit name Ambuda which refers to cloud as the water carrier
Girl Names Ambuda The one high and vast like cloud
Boy Names Ambudhi Sea; Ocean; Vast Expanse; A variant of the name is Ambhudhi
Boy Names Ambuj Lotus; Water Lily; Name represents male counter part of Ambuja(Goddess Mahalakshmi) and so is considered as one of names of Lord Vishnu
Boy Names Ambujanabh Lotus; Water Lily; Name represents male counter part of Ambuja(Goddess Mahalakshmi) and so is considered as one of names of Lord Vishnu
Girl Names Ambyr A variant of name Amber which means a precious jewel of vast sky
Boy Names Amdesh The one who is full of idealism and is the lord of the land

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