Popular Baby Names

Boy Names Alvino A white and fair noble friend who is attracted to the mysteries of the nature
Girl Names Alvira Dearly Loved; Gothic - True to all; Truly Foreign; Truly Lively; A variation of the name Elvira
Boy Names Alvis An all knowing wise person who is brilliant in every way possible and have strong emotional desires
Girl Names Alvita One who is vivacious and lively, or the one who spreads vivacity .
Girl Names Alviua Great communicational skills accompanied with an an active and quick mind makes you expressive
Girl Names Alviva An elf friend, a dreamer as well as a achiever through their ingenuity and leadership abilities
Baby Names Alvon Insult in Hebrew; an elf who is a defender of mankind attracted to the mysteries of nature
Boy Names Alvredus An elf counsel with a highly imaginative, happy-go-lucky and voluntary personality
Girl Names Alvva An elf counselor with a congenial personality wishing for a secure and peaceful environment

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