Popular Baby Names

Boy Names Ayyannan One who finds happiness in smaller things in life
Boy Names Ayyapan Son of Lord Shiva; who is Lord Vishnu and Shiva incarnate - Ayya is Vishnu and Appa is Shiva
Boy Names Ayyappa Son of Lord Shiva; who is Lord Vishnu and Shiva incarnate - Ayya is Vishnu and Appa is Shiva
Boy Names Ayyappan Son of Lord Shiva; who is Lord Vishnu and Shiva incarnate - Ayya is Vishnu and Appa is Shiva
Boy Names Ayyash Long lived
Boy Names Ayyavu One who is respectable or venerable; God of Sun
Boy Names Ayyubi One who is like prophet Ayyub, patient, humble and virtuous.
Girl Names Ayyubia A woman who is like prophet Ayyub in patience.
Boy Names Ayzize African - Let it Come

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