Arabic Boy Names

Boy Names Zain Zayn is other popular variation of this name, one who is beautiful and graceful
Boy Names Aaaqil One who is wise and intelligent.
Boy Names Aaarabisk A person who is wishful and healthy
Boy Names Aaban Name of the Angel, 8th Persian month, angel of iron, name aban also in some cases has the meaning spontaneous and versatile
Boy Names Aabdar Name aabdar has a quranic origin which means Moon light, early, quick. It is derived from the B-D-R root which is used in the Quran in verse 3:123 in the word Badr, which means "full moon" and is the name of a famous battle.
Boy Names Aabinus Meaning of word aabinus is Ebony, Dark colored
Boy Names Aadam Malay version of Adam, meaning 'father of mankind'.
Boy Names Aadeel aadeel means Righteous and Just, it also means "one who acts with justice and fairness", "moderate", "virtuous", "excellent in character
Boy Names Aadil aadil means righteous, high in moral and virtuous, suggesting sanctimonious

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